- International Presence
- Financial & Accounting Support Services
- Administrative Support Services
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With a summit 556 metres above sea level, Le Morne Brabant’s boasts an impressive 3.5 kms hiking trail luxuriant green vegetation consisting of endemic trees.
This impressive rock is known for its historical heritage as one of the most important slave site and maroon refuge on the island. It has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2008.
This symbolic site embodies our passion to go beyond boundaries with a strong sense of bond to ideals of freedom and openness to the world.
We recruit qualified and semi-qualified accountants (ICAEW, ACCA, CIMA) and as approved Training Centre for the ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales) and as Authorised Employer of the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), we train our aspiring accounting professionals in very diverse spheres.
Leveraging on these in-house skills we are able to assist our client in:
• Digitalised Client Screening, profiling and enhanced due
Assistance to comply with US Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act (FATCA) & OECD Common Reporting
Standards (CRS):
• Apply the prescribed due diligence rules and completing the
‘Self-Certification’ exercise;
• Design and implement internal processes and procedures to
ensure compliance under FATCA/CRS;
• Assist in compiling, assessing, validating and reporting the
reportable information under FATCA/CRS to the competent
authorities in XML format.
• Run an independent onsite AML / CFT audit
• Run a Consultancy and Project Development programme
• AML / CFT Risk Management
• Data Protection Framework
• Legal and Regulatory Updates